My foster mommy and daddy needed to go to Home Depot. They thought it would be a good idea to take me along. I was excited to get my harness and leash on, but again had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. Foster mommy brought along yummy string cheese to try and help me along the way. It didn't work at first because I was so scared. There was a loud road nearby so I was held most of the time. My little heart was just beating hard.
We went into the plant area only. I saw new people, but didn't want to interact with them. I was pretty shocked by the whole situation. I didn't want to sniff or walk.
By the time we finished shopping I was willing to take cheese and even walked (slowly) all the way back to the car. I am such a super star when I want to be.
Hopefully the next time I get to go get plants I won't be as scared. Until the next adventure...