I came from a place called a puppymill in St. George, GA via Georgia Canine Rescue & Rehabilitation group who assisted in busting the humans who kept us in poor conditions. I along with about 144 other Rat Terriers were helped by this group in August 2009. I was only a baby back then and didn't have all of the experiences most puppies living with loving families do.
GCRR realized I along with my 2 sisters needed a foster home rather than their group environment. They asked New Rattitude to help us so we could get rehabilitated and healthy. All 3 of us had Demodex Mange and a secondary skin infection. It was really icky being me back then. I was a little itchy, very red and not all that cute if I do say so myself. Ouch... to just think about that makes me squirm.
The 3 of us were also very unsure of the outside world. We had spent the first 7 or 8 months of our lives in a pen or small rabbit cage. We each had our own opinion about the world around us. My sissy Vienna is the most shy, Victoria is a little more outgoing than me and I get a little freaked out about new things. When we get together our confidence shows and we just loving visiting and playing with each other. We are in separate foster homes so we can be sure to bond with humans and learn they aren't all naughty like the puppymill folks.
My goal writing my own blog is to chart my progress. I got my "New Rattitude" in the middle of February 2010 and as I hope everyone will see I've come a really long way and continue to grow daily. Please follow my journey and one day you will see me with a family of my very own.
Your so handsome Hamlin and come so far. Keep up the good work so your foster mommy will give you lots of treats and love.